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Windows Installer 乱码的解决方法

Tiger Soldier posted @ 2008年4月07日 09:09 in 未分类 with tags windows 乱码 , 4322 阅读

有些人在安装基于 Windows Installer 的软件时会乱码(很不幸我是其中一个),什么 Office 啊都是那样,今天查了一下,原来是AppLocale的问题,只要把Windows安装目录下(一般是C:\Windows)的AppPatch目录下的AppLoc.tmp文件的内容全部删除就行。为防止AppLocale改动它,可以把它设为只读,这样就高枕无忧了

commercial cleaning 说:
Sep 04, 2021 04:35:18 PM

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KVS KG1 Question Ban 说:
Sep 22, 2022 02:51:24 AM

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monthly maid service 说:
Oct 17, 2023 05:38:52 PM

The firm will give you pictures of your painting before it is actually completed. This just might help you gauge a progress of your work and for variations if vital. This company generally increases the asking price of the very last product but you need to opt hard if a person's painting is going to occupy your prominent space in your own home or business.

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