Sweet Baby James, but there are so many quotable lines in this piece that it makes it a masterpiece. Thoroughly enjoyable even in its most cynical reality. Not a small feat, in this climate.
The part I don’t understand is that Gillies and D. Brown both play CF and possess similar tools… Brown projects better but neither has demonstrated the ability to hit for power. Why not trade Brown and keep Taylor? Maybe even trade Brown + a pitcher not named Drabek… but we got Halladay and that’s pretty awesome.
Mark, Well done on the annual. I remember when you came to see me and Flo at Dare, you were certainly ambitious and it seems like it's all worked out. Is there anyway I can see it online - even just a brief squizz - as I am in New York now and very curious to see the "best of british".cheers.
När jag undervisar (vuxna) brukar jag påpeka att köttkonsumtionen har ökat lavinartat och att man kan dra ner till 1990-talsnivå åtminstone. Bara det skulle ju halvera åtgången av kött. Inte minns jag att vi fick LITE kött när jag var barn?!
Forgiveness isn’t about giving someone a pass, it is about freeing yourself from the burden.That is so right on.Another way to say that is forgiveness is a present we give ourselves, so that the past actions of others don’t continue to hurt us.
Kathy P - The pictures are stunning. What awesome photography. With a Beautiful Bride like Hope and a wonderful family how could it get any better. Everything was wonderful from the beginning to the nights end. I pray Hope & Joe will have many more blessed years together. Thanks to Dana and everyone who helped put it together.February 7, 2011 – 10:11 pm
Pues no es ningún cariño especial, que no eres mi tipo XDMás bien es el contenido del blog lo que me atrae. Y no sólo a mi, me parece. Felicidades de nuevo, por el buen trabajo!
Speaking of Allo Darlin’, Al, love the Mustang Elizabeth has taken to playing. I remember when this was Fender’s student guitar and priced not much over $200. Can’t get them for that price these days. When I was taking lessons (mid ’60s) I’d bring my Kay electric – ouch! my poor fingers – to the shop and the teacher would bring a Mustang in from stock and we’d both plug into a Fender amp.
Sep 22, 2016 08:44:54 PM
Sweet Baby James, but there are so many quotable lines in this piece that it makes it a masterpiece. Thoroughly enjoyable even in its most cynical reality. Not a small feat, in this climate.
Sep 22, 2016 01:55:45 PM
The part I don’t understand is that Gillies and D. Brown both play CF and possess similar tools… Brown projects better but neither has demonstrated the ability to hit for power. Why not trade Brown and keep Taylor? Maybe even trade Brown + a pitcher not named Drabek… but we got Halladay and that’s pretty awesome.
Sep 22, 2016 02:21:15 AM
Mark, Well done on the annual. I remember when you came to see me and Flo at Dare, you were certainly ambitious and it seems like it's all worked out. Is there anyway I can see it online - even just a brief squizz - as I am in New York now and very curious to see the "best of british".cheers.
Sep 21, 2016 05:44:00 PM
När jag undervisar (vuxna) brukar jag påpeka att köttkonsumtionen har ökat lavinartat och att man kan dra ner till 1990-talsnivå åtminstone. Bara det skulle ju halvera åtgången av kött. Inte minns jag att vi fick LITE kött när jag var barn?!
Sep 19, 2016 10:30:14 PM
Forgiveness isn’t about giving someone a pass, it is about freeing yourself from the burden.That is so right on.Another way to say that is forgiveness is a present we give ourselves, so that the past actions of others don’t continue to hurt us.
Sep 19, 2016 07:38:10 PM
Kathy P - The pictures are stunning. What awesome photography. With a Beautiful Bride like Hope and a wonderful family how could it get any better. Everything was wonderful from the beginning to the nights end. I pray Hope & Joe will have many more blessed years together. Thanks to Dana and everyone who helped put it together.February 7, 2011 – 10:11 pm
Sep 19, 2016 03:34:13 PM
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Sep 15, 2016 07:09:59 PM
Pues no es ningún cariño especial, que no eres mi tipo XDMás bien es el contenido del blog lo que me atrae. Y no sólo a mi, me parece. Felicidades de nuevo, por el buen trabajo!
Sep 15, 2016 05:02:18 PM
Speaking of Allo Darlin’, Al, love the Mustang Elizabeth has taken to playing. I remember when this was Fender’s student guitar and priced not much over $200. Can’t get them for that price these days. When I was taking lessons (mid ’60s) I’d bring my Kay electric – ouch! my poor fingers – to the shop and the teacher would bring a Mustang in from stock and we’d both plug into a Fender amp.
Sep 15, 2016 06:01:10 AM
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